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Climate Change

Future Knowledge - musing on Vijayadasami

I was yet again asked by a caring parent to advise their child on choosing the higher education that is aligned with a rightful career. While I do talk to the youth time and again like this, this made me reflect on what I really would like to suggest. As this is the day of pursuit of knowledge traditionally, I decided to put down my thoughts as an article. 


Future Institutions That Can Serve Human Purpose

Rev. Sara Joleno Wolcott and Ramasubramanian have been working together since 2014 when they first met in Chennai during the former's work and travels in India.  Rev. Sara started the Sequoia Samanvaya in the US in 2018 and since then they have jointly toured and lectures and facilitated change processes together in Germany,  USA, Canada and Ecuador. In January 2021, Sequoia Samanvaya brought out its first online journal the Grove and  as part of it, the following conversational essay was jointly published by both of them.